Monday, November 28, 2011

Mia oh my-ah!

Come little scaredy kitty, I won't hurt you! Buwah-ha-ha-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!  Just kidding Mia get a grip!  What are you thinking, maybe you are emotionally abused or you don't get enough to eat (we know you can't really fight back since you have been disarmed), but did you really need to dash out that open door?  It's a big wide crazy neeto fun world out there, so much better than being cooped up in that stuppid house all day.  But on the other hand....  There is something nice about a roof over your head, free food and an occasional petting.  So get your butt back home, or attack someone on the street that will call your humans so you can be reunited.  Htey will be nicer from now on, I promise!

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