Maui sounds like such a nice place. If I could ever take time off of my intense blogging career I would definitely consider traveling there for some R&R. But it looks like I would probably get no rest even in paradise, as evidence, I present Orange Cat. Looks like Orange Cat has gone walkabout from John and Beth's place. Though he might be just drinking some coconut milk on the beach, I am sure they would love to see him again and maybe even give him a little tuna treat.
Where are you off to Grady? Meow! Sounds like you had a nice warm home in Noe Valley, SF. Why have you taken to the traveling lifestyle? Maybe the indoor life was cramping your style, you wanted too see the world. i hope you are OK, and if you have some time, you should drop Suzanne a line, she misses you and would love to spend some cuddle time with you.